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lifestyle:foreknowledge [2023/12/20 17:04]
princess_fluffypants [Van life is not #vanlife]
lifestyle:foreknowledge [2024/02/05 19:01] (current)
princess_fluffypants [Summer and winter can be tough]
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 ===== Summer and winter can be tough ===== ===== Summer and winter can be tough =====
-Mild winter isn't too bad, because it is possible to [[hvac:heating|heat]] cheaply and easily with propane.+Mild winter isn't too bad, because it is possible to [[hvac:heating|heat]] cheaply and easily with propane or diesel heaters.
 Summer can be terrible, particularly in humid areas.  [[hvac:solar_ac|Air conditioning isn't practical to run off solar power]].  Some get by with [[electrical:generator|generators]], who have their own set of tradeoffs.  Summer can be terrible, particularly in humid areas.  [[hvac:solar_ac|Air conditioning isn't practical to run off solar power]].  Some get by with [[electrical:generator|generators]], who have their own set of tradeoffs. 
lifestyle/foreknowledge.1703109850.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/20 17:04 by princess_fluffypants