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meta:disclosure [2023/10/16 17:11]
frater_secessus [FTC affilliate disclosure]
meta:disclosure [2024/06/26 16:18] (current)
frater_secessus [financial transparency] changed to spreadsheet
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 ===== financial transparency ===== ===== financial transparency =====
-don't look at the stats often, but when I do I'll add in RVwiki affilliate income here:+{{}} 
 +  - this sheet tracks actual payments and not when the earnings were made.  This can result in blank spots when either $0 was earned, or when the payout minimum was not met ($10, IIRC) 
 +  - the gap and negative number in 2023 is because a $154.94 was awarded then the buyer returned the product a couple months later.  The deduction slurped up all other commission earnings for a few months 
 +  - the virtual server is priced in euros.  It usually ends up being ~$15/mo so used that figure here instead of tracking currency exchange rates.  
 +  - in Feb 2023 I changed from taking the commission payouts as Amazon gift certificates to direct deposit.  There is little practical difference since I regularly order from Amazon, but one of my accounts waives the fee on months when there is a direct deposit.   
 +  - In 2024 Amazon started inviting me to programs that offer bonuses for meeting sales ~$1000.  I've met this 2x and have received 2x $30 bonuses (boni?) as of June 26.
-  * 2017 year to date (Nov) referrals:  $0.00 
-  * 2021 year to date (May) referrals:  $64.24 
meta/disclosure.1697490699.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/16 17:11 by frater_secessus