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rv:ram_promaster [2024/05/03 15:02]
frater_secessus [fusebox layout] upfitter
rv:ram_promaster [2024/07/29 17:56] (current)
frater_secessus [62TE transmission]
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 Also see [[|FCA's description of a similar system]] in the Jeep line. Also see [[|FCA's description of a similar system]] in the Jeep line.
-===== electrical =====+===== alternator =====
 The gasoline PM has either a 180A((Lester 11792)) or an optional 220A Denso-type alternator((Lester 11793)); they are traditional "fixed voltage" and not of the modern "smart" variety.  [[|This VIN decoder]] will indicate which alternator a van was built with. In either case the six-groove pulley ratio is 2.84:1.((  Output when cold is ~14.3v;  voltage may be regulated down to ~13.8v when hot.   The gasoline PM has either a 180A((Lester 11792)) or an optional 220A Denso-type alternator((Lester 11793)); they are traditional "fixed voltage" and not of the modern "smart" variety.  [[|This VIN decoder]] will indicate which alternator a van was built with. In either case the six-groove pulley ratio is 2.84:1.((  Output when cold is ~14.3v;  voltage may be regulated down to ~13.8v when hot.  
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   * [[|This post]] on the Promaster forum shares official load estimates for various accessories.   * [[|This post]] on the Promaster forum shares official load estimates for various accessories.
   * [[|This post]] describes the procedure for alternator replacement.    * [[|This post]] describes the procedure for alternator replacement. 
 +  * [[|This Promasters Only video]] covers alternator replacement and upgrades
   * [[|this post]] describes the voltage regulation via ECU   * [[|this post]] describes the voltage regulation via ECU
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 This 6-speed auto is used in gas models.  It uses ATF+4 and/or Chrysler MS-9602 spec fluid.((  \\ This 6-speed auto is used in gas models.  It uses ATF+4 and/or Chrysler MS-9602 spec fluid.((  \\
 Note:  the trans technically has 7 forward speeds but [[|4th prime]] is only used during downshifts. Note:  the trans technically has 7 forward speeds but [[|4th prime]] is only used during downshifts.
 +The definitive series on the 62TE trans is by Kip of Promasters Only on youtube:
 +  * [[|62TE Transmission Series - Part I]] -  Overview
 +  * [[|62TE Transmission Series Part II]] - Solenoid Pack 
 +  * [[|62TE Transmission Series - Part III]] - Torque Converter
 +  * [[|62TE Transmission Series - Part IV]] - Flex Plate
 +  * [[|62TE Transmission Series - Part V]] - the Pump
 One rebuilder recommends full trans service (with synthetic) every 25k miles.((  Frequent service and correct fluids appear to be critical: One rebuilder recommends full trans service (with synthetic) every 25k miles.((  Frequent service and correct fluids appear to be critical:
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 A whine from the transmission that sounds like a power steering pump may be from foamy ATF.  This could be caused by low AT fluid level.(( A whine from the transmission that sounds like a power steering pump may be from foamy ATF.  This could be caused by low AT fluid level.((
   * [[|62TE overview and history]]   * [[|62TE overview and history]]
rv/ram_promaster.1714762973.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/05/03 15:02 by frater_secessus