FIRST DRAFT ====== Troubleshooting electrical problems in the van ====== ===== TL;DR ===== * troubleshooting is more about methodical thinking than specific techniques, tools, or tricks * a multimeter is extremely useful and does not have to be expensive * carrying a few inexpensive replacement parts and tools can be helpful when attempting field repairs ===== before the problem occurs ===== ==== noticing "normal" ==== There are at least two different kinds of //normal//. Both are important to understanding how your system is misbehaving === normal for your system === === normal according to the specs === ==== taking inventory ==== === hardware === === software and settings === ===== Houston, we have a problem! ===== ==== what is actually happening? ==== ==== when did it start? ==== ==== is it repeatable and predictable? ==== ==== where does it start? ==== We've come this far in the process and **this is our first attempt at doing what most people think of as troubleshooting** (testing with a multimeter). === multimeters === [[|Multimeters]] are called such because they can make multiple measurements. For our purposes we will use them most often to measure **voltage** at different points of the system. For general purpose use even cheap meters will work. Advanced users seem to prefer prosumer brands like [[|Fluke]], but those users probably aren't reading this page. :-) [YT video: [[|iFixIt Basic Skills - Multimeter]]] Note: if you are buying a new meter it can be useful to [[|select one with a clamp to measure current]]. Read the descriptions carefully; **DC current** measurements are usually more useful for 'dwellers, but some models can only measure AC current with the clamp. Having both abilities would be preferable. [I bought [[|this one]] - secessus] [YT video: [[|Clamp Meter Automotive Measurements]]] ===== resources ===== * YT video: [[|Simple Troubleshooting on Board - Ask The Expert with Nigel Calder]]. Nigel is from boatworld but his knowledge is transferable.