====== troubleshooting electrical issues ====== Electrical issues can stem from shorts, open circuits, over- and undervoltage. ===== shorts ===== ===== open circuits ===== ===== overvoltage ===== Scenarios with are less common than undervoltage but are more likely to cause damage to components. In a TV/motorhome an overvoltage in the DC vehicle system is likely associated with the failure of a voltage regulator. On the "house DC power" side high voltages are due to the necessarily-higher charging voltage being applied to the house batteries. Trojan T-105 batteries, for example, are charged at 14.8v, floated at 13.2v, and equalized at 15.5v.((http://www.trojanbattery.com/BatteryMaintenance/Charging.aspx)) These voltages may trip safety circuits in some devices and it is common to disconnect house wiring before equalizing. In smaller applications it may be possible to run [[http://amzn.to/2efAaDb|a DC-DC converter]] between the battery and the house wiring. This would allow the battery to run at charging voltages but provide house power at 12.7v or whatever level you prefer. ===== undervoltage ===== Undervoltage can result from low voltage at the source (like a battery is depleted) or through voltage drop through the connections. * [[http://en-us.fluke.com/community/fluke-news-plus/automotive/electrical-automotive-troubleshooting.html|diagnosing voltage drop]]