Table of Contents

Wiring the van

basic principles

critical vs noncritical applications

Current on any wire tends to cause voltage sag. The problem gets worse as current approaches the wire's rated capacity. Some applications are greatly affected by sag and require heavier wiring. Some applications are fine with some sag.

Critical applications require voltage sag of ≤3%. With 3% sag 14.4v at the source drops to 13.97v at the other end of the wires. Some critical applications might include:

Noncritical applications can accept voltage sag of ≤10%. With 10% sag 14.4v at the source drops to 13.0v at the other end of the wires. Some noncritical applications might include:

A well-respected chart showing critical and noncritical wiring selection is published by Blue Sea.

DC has no “skin effect” in wires, so the copper cladding is ineffective