style:words_of_wisdom|Words of wisdom]]: "....the solar oven is a very good mimic of a crock pot slow coo... Bob Wells((
====== Solar ovens ======
Solar ovens are devices that concentrate and retain heat from the sun to [[food:cooking|co
rged by a combination of [[electrical:12v:alt_and_solar|solar+alternator charging]].
==== charging from alternator ====
The simplest case will be charging LF... ciggy port (480Wh / 120w).
==== charging from solar ====
Charging from [[electrical:solar:gentle_intro|solar]] is predictable //on average// if one knows w
ay we didn't warn you about the prices]].
===== Solar ovens =====
[[|Solar ovens]] are popular with [[camping:dispersed|boondockers]] i... es the sun.
There are also plans online for DIY solar ovens like [[|the $5 oven]].
Con: due to their surfac
me the standard way to chill food in [[electrical:solar|solar]]-equipped vans. The main types of compressor fridges common in 'dwelling setups are:
* [[http... nds include:
* [[|Grape Solar]] used by bcbullet(( ion ===
Peltier cooling doesn't get used much in solar setups because it uses a lot of power and does so
but the crock can be run on smaller [[electrical:solar:gentle_intro|solar]], [[electrical:inverter|inverter]], and [[electrical:12v:deep_cycle_battery|battery]... wattage is not particularly important.
=== on solar after batteries are charged ===
Crockpots are a good fit for solar power. With lithium batteries this cooking can h
to cook under pressure.
===== ovens =====
==== solar ovens ====
Note: there is a [[food:cooking:solar_oven|separate page for solar ovens]]
[[|{{ UcngN9L._AC_UL320_ML2_.jpg?100}}]]
[[food:cooking:solar_oven|Solar ovens]] require no power and are well
ctrical:generator|generator]] or big [[electrical:solar|solar]] setups with lithium banks are sometimes used.
==== resistance vs induction comparision ====
... power]] is available or if you have [[electrical:solar:nonessential|excess power]] you have made off-gri... cooker]] for cooking beans, rice, etc.
* use a solar oven
* if cooking with organic fuels like firew
ly morning load is bad enough for an [[electrical:solar:charge_controller#mppt|MPPT]]-charged system but it hamstrings a [[electrical:solar:charge_controller#pwm|PWM]]-charged system (for reasons [[electrical:solar:pwm_tweaking|explained here]]).
If you run a [[e
ost power systems, including tiny [[lifestyle:faq_solar_generator|power stations]] and the car's [[electr... r a 405h lithium power station((80%)). Note: if solar is contributing the size of the battery bank can ... pacity or a 1,125Wh (88Ah) of lithium. Note: if solar is contributing the size of the battery bank can
hemistry batteries, later in the day [[electrical:solar:nonessential|excess solar power]] is available. The actual amount of excess power will depend on what y
he electronics, but it appears to run ok off MSW. Solar generators with capacities ≥1000Wh typically have... fficient power available from battery bank and/or solar array (or other source)
> The [[