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Battery monitors

Battery monitors typically show:

  • battery voltage (Vbatt); and
  • Amps or Watts in (charging) / out (discharging)

Watching amps trail off at the end of Absorption (endAmps) will also tell you when the bank is fully charged. The battery manufacturer will specify something like C/200 or C/100 as a sign Absorption is complete.

One benefit of having a shunt-based monitor over a charge controller monitor is the shunt can discern between [dis]charging vs [dis]charging+loads.

Bogart Trimetric

images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com_images_i_41vczv0vvml.jpg The most famous battery monitor is the Bogart Tri-Metric TM-2030 series.

This monitor will interface and operate their SX-2030 solar charge controller. The monitor will still provide amp-counting and other metrics when used on it's own.

inexpensive shunts

images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com_images_i_41zuqefexvl._sy90_.jpgFor folks who are [dis]charging at 50A/75A, a cheaper shunt is available for 1/5th the price of a Bogart.

Heavier-duty shunts are available (up to at least 350A).

electrical/12v/battery_monitor.1587006943.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)