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How much power do I need to run stuff?

It's not hard, but it does require paying attention and being realistic about what you will actually power in the van.

The primary goal is how to figure out your daily power requirement. We will do this step by step and end up with watt-hours (Wh, see below).1)

look at the labels

All electrical appliances (aka loads) have labels/stampings on them2) that describe how much power they draw.

  • Most are in watts, which we will use directly for our math.
  • Sometimes they don't show watts but only Amps and Volts (example: 120vac, 2A). Amps x volts = watts, so our example would consume 240w. Easy peasy.

how long will you run each load?

Watts are only half the story. We need to know how long the doodad will be run.

  • if we run the example doodad for 1.5 hours, the energy required is 360Wh (240W x 1.5 hours). Easy peasy.

NOTE: some loads, even if plugged in 24/7, cycle on and off. A good example is a compressor refrigerator. A common rule of thumb is that a fridge will run the compressor ~1/3 of the time. So you would use 8 hours instead of 24 hours for that load. (24 / 3 = 8).3)

add them all up

  1. do this for every load you want to run
  2. add them up
  3. that's it, if we want the general picture

It may be easiest to do this in a spreadsheet where you can see all the loads at once, and twiddle numbers to see how it affects your daily power requirements. Here's a simple example:

The numbers in green were calculated automagically by the spreadsheet.

building a more accurate estimate

The more accurate your estimate the easier it will be to build a system that meets your needs on your budget.

inverter losses

Individual loads in the van will be either

  • DC (ex: 12vdc); or
  • AC run off an inverter (ex: 120vac)

Loads run off inverter will draw more power because of inverter losses4). The inverter specifications will say exactly what this the efficiency rate is, but for our purposes we will assume 90% (i.e. 0.9).

To get a more accurate estimate when can enter this efficiency rating into the spreadsheet, divide loads into DC/AC, and let the spreadsheet do the work for us:

Ah or other units work, but Wh is easiest to understand
or their power supplies
see example below
or inefficiencies
electrical/12v/dailypowerrequirements.1665769882.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/10/14 13:51 by frater_secessus