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Intentionally severe battery use

Lead-acid chemistries prefer light cycling and full recharge between those cycles. Infrequent excursions below the 50% depth of discharge norm will not cause much damage assuming a full charge is accomplished ASAP afterwards.

This article is about the intentional and chronic depletion of lead-acid banks below the 50% mark.

how low can we go?

The most common low-end targets for low voltage disconnect are:

  • 75% DoD / 25% SoC, ~11.7 rested volts
  • 80% DoD / 20% SoC, ~11.6 rested volts

limiting the damage

Deep cycles generally extend the amount of time for a battery to complete Absorption. Extend the

electrical/severe_battery_use.1521565956.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)