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Note: this page is a walk-through for sizing an imaginary system. See this article for the Big Picture.

Words of wisdom: “It is cheaper and easier to use less power than it is to make more power.” – highdesertranger

Solar sizing walkthrough

This article will show the math required to estimate the size of solar setup required to run specified loads. To get a system that meets our needs we will have to be thorough and honest with ourselves about:

  • how much power we will require - every single watt
  • where we will camp, and what time of year we will be there
  • avoiding shade and so the panels can actually work

daily power requirements

This part is the least fun and the most important; we must account for every watt we intend to “spend” off-grid.

The goal is to come up with a daily target in watt-hours (Wh). There will be times we have to work in other units but Wh is the main thing.1) Watt-hours are calculated by multiplying the load's draw in watts by the hours it is expected to run. If we run a 4w device for 6 hours that is 24Wh (4W x 6h = 24Wh).

The power the device consumes will be printed on the device, the label, or the power adapter. If it's in watts we can use them directly. If it's listed in Amps (A) we will multiply the voltage (12vdc or 120vac, for example) times the Amps to get watts.
120vac x 2A = 240W.
12vdc x 2A = 24w.

Note: the loads below are silly. I am doing this on purpose so you will tabulate all your own loads and not on the example loads or resulting numbers.

DC loads

We write down all our DC loads and the hours we expect to run them each day:

Device Watt Hours Watt-hours (Wh)
Aquarium pump 8 24 192
disco ball 40 1.5 65
12v coffee roaster 400 .25 100

We will require 357Wh every day to run these items.

AC loads

This starts out similar

Device Watt Hours Watt-hours (Wh)
100“ TV 150 4 600
electric hot dog cooker 500 .25 125
treadmill 700 .50 350

so 1,075Wh, it appears.

But running household appliances2) off solar3) will incur inverter losses. We will stipulate the inverter is 90% efficient. If you know the actual efficiency of your inverter use that instead. If the inverter does not publish an efficiency rating it might be as low as 80%.

To get the adjust number we divide the Wh by the inverter efficiency: 1,075Wh / 0.904) = 1,194Wh.

devices that cycle

The devices above are presumed to draw their rated wattage while we use them: W x H = Wh.

Some devices, however, do not run all the time.5) Examples might be refrigerating devices6) that hold goods at 40F or something. If we had soda can vending machine rated at 60w but it only actually runs the compressor 1/3rd of the time7) it will be turned on 24hrs/day but only draw 480Wh 8) instead of 1,440Wh.

Our soda machine runs on 120vac so will incur inverter losses: 480Wh / .90 = 533Wh.

total daily power requirement

  • DC loads subtotal - 357Wh
  • AC loads subtotal - 1,194Wh
  • cycling loads subtotal - 533Wh
  • total = 2,084Wh

We will need 2,084Wh every day to run our intended loads.

daily charging requirements

Most batteries do not charge 100% efficiently, so it may take more than 2,084Wh of solar harvest to get 2,084Wh that we can actually pull from the battery bank.

  • Flooded lead acid batteries are typically ~87% charging-efficient. 2,084Wh / 0.87 = 2,395Wh. So we will need to collect 2,395Wh from solar every day to charge the batts and run the loads.
  • AGM and Gel lead-chemistry batteries are typically ~90% charging-efficient. 2,084Wh / 0.90 = 2,316Wh. We will use this number going forward since so many people use AGM batteries.
  • lithium batteries are close enough to 100% charging efficiency9) that we can ignore charging losses. Requirement is still 2,084Wh.

battery capacity

Finally we get to size something! We will divide the daily power requirement by the maximum depth of discharge preferable for each battery chemistry to get required battery capacity in Wh. Deep cycle batteries are traditionally rated in Ah (amp-hours), so we will divide Wh capacity by the battery chemistry's nominal voltage. See below.


Lead is typically discharged to 50% DoD as a good balance between performance and longevity.

2,084Wh / 0.50 DoD = 4,168Wh
4,168Wh / 12.0v nominal voltage = 347Ah of lead-chemistry required.


Lithium is typically discharged to 80% DoD as a good balance between performance and longevity.

2,084Wh / 0.80 DoD = 2,605Wh
2,605Wh / 12.8v nominal voltage = 204Ah of lithium required.

panel wattage

Reminder: we need to harvest 2,316Wh every day to recharge our stipulated AGM bank.

Solar harvest directly affects how much panel we will need, but harvest will vary wildly depending on conditions, type of solar charge controller, time of year, location, even ambient temperatures and altitude.

The good news is that different locations get roughly predictable average amounts of sunlight during specified months, and scientists have tabulated this data. The data is expressed in terms of hours of Full Sun Equivalent and assumes flat-mounted panels. You can think of this as “hours of laboratory-perfect conditions”. The actual number of hours of sunlight in the day don't matter, nor do the average climatological conditions. 4 hours of FSE in Phoenix in summer might be 6.5 hours by the clock, while the same 4 hours of FSE in Anchorage might be 14 hours by the clock. No matter. The math works.

Example: if we have 300w of panel in an area with 4 hours of FSE in March, we could theoretically harvest 1,200Wh per day. 300w rated panel x 4 hours FSE = 1,200Wh.

In practice 100% yield is not normal. After various losses MPPT-equipped systems will get more like 85%, and PWM systems around 72%.10). For the purposes of this article we will call this system efficiency. Examples:

  • theoretical - 1,200Wh harvest
  • MPPT - 1,200Wh x 0.85 = 1,020Wh harvest
  • PWM - 1,200Wh x 0.72 = 864Wh harvest

where and when we are camping

The actual hours of FSE will depend on where we are and month of the year. If we want the solar to Just Work11) we have to size it for the worst average yield we will experience. Let's consider these very different scenarios:

  • vacation-camping with the family in Montana only in the summer
  • snowbirding around the country following mild weather. Winter in Arizona, for example.
  • stealth camping in a city in Kansas, staying put in the winter

We can look up average FSE for these locations and times in charts like this.

  • Montana in July gets a plentiful 6.44 hours of FSE.
  • Arizona in December gets much less, 2.75 hours.
  • Kansas in December suffers, getting only 1.75.

We can work backward from FSE and required Wh to get our required panel: Wh required / hours of FSE / system efficiency = panel wattage. Assuming an MPPT-equipped system:

  • Montana in July - 2,316Wh12) / 6.44 FSE / 0.85 system efficiency = 423w of panel
  • Arizona in December - 2,316Wh13) / 2.75 FSE / 0.85 system efficiency = 991w of panel (!)
  • Kansas in December - 2,316Wh14) / 1.75 FSE / 0.85 system efficiency = 1,557w of panel (!!)

charge controllers

PWM controllers are often sized thusly: rated panel wattage / 10 = charge controller rating in Amps.
Example: 400w / 10 = 40A PWM controller. They are inexpensive enough that a bit of oversize is no big deal.

MPPT controllers are more expensive so they often sized to the average solar harvest wattage rather than rated panel wattage. A rule of thumb might be rated panel wattage x system efficiency / nominal battery bank voltage.
Example: 400w x 0.85 / 12.0v lead battery = 28.3A controller, rounded to 30A because no one makes a 28.3A controller.

days of autonomy

You may want to be sitting down for this.

The numbers above are for a single “day of autonomy”. In other words, we will fully charge the battery bank then get one day's use from it.

But what happens if we can't fully charge every day? Consider these situations:

  • parked in a parking garage for 2 days (need to get through two days on 1 charge)
  • camped in an area with heavy wildfire smoke15) for 3 days (need three days on 1 charge)
  • snow on our panels for one day (need two days on 1 charge)
  • unseasonable rain over our campsite for 4 days (see below)

In those cases we'd need to multiply the battery capacity and solar wattage by the days of autonomy we need. For two days of autonomy that 347Ah of AGM is now 694Ah, the 423w of panel in Montana in July just turned into 846W of panel, and the 30A MPPT is now 60A. :-\

Holy crap, do people really do this?

a ray of hope

In practice, there are factors that work in our favor.

  • most people find way to ration power when harvest is poor. Suddenly that 100” TV (or disco ball) is a luxury rather than a necessity.
  • running time-shiftable loads like device charging when there is excess power can reduce overnight power consumption
  • snow on panels or parking in an underground garage will mean 0% harvest, but poor solar conditions (rain, clouds) will typically yield something. You might assume something like 20% of your normal harvest. In the “four days of rain scenario” you would need to increase by 1.6 days instead of 4 days. (1 day of normal, plus 3 days of 20% harvest)
  • if you are camping in areas/seasons where the sun is low in the sky and the sky is clear you can increase solar harvest by tilting the panels toward the sun.


Powering your off-grid life with solar is possible, but it does require a realistic assessment of your specfic needs and and understanding of how to meet them. You can often decrease panel requirements by augmenting with other charging sources or reducing your power consumption. Remember,

“It is cheaper and easier to use less power than it is to make more power.” – highdesertranger (R.I.P.)
Wh is independent of voltage
or batteries
inverter efficiency
this isn't really separate from AC or DC loads; I broke it out so the sections above could be simpler
a good rule of thumb until you see how yours actually works
60w x 24hours x 0.33 duty cycle
at sane charging currents
again, if you have observed your own system and know what it does then use the actual number
by itself, no help from other charging sources
12) , 13) , 14)
daily charging requirement
my 570w system made 9w at local solar noon during the 2020 Oregon wildfires!
opinion/solar/sizing.walkthrough.1650478012.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/20 14:06 by frater_secessus