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Assessing a camper or other vehicle for possible purchase

Do extensive research on exactly what you're looking at

You should go into every potential buying inspection knowing more about that model of van than the seller does. Before you even go to look at a vehicle in person, you want to know things like:

  • What were the differences in generations for that vehicle?
  • What were the engine/transmission/interior/options offered for that year/make/model?
    • Owner forums for specific models can be immensely valuable for finding this!
  • What are the factory recommended service intervals?
    • How often does the manufacturer recommend not just things like oil changes, but things like transmission fluid changes, serpentine belt replacement, cam chain/belt changes, waterpump rebuilds, A/C system recharges, coolant flushes, brake fluid changes, etc?

Title and Register-ability

A clear title in the seller's name is mandatory. Most people will want a normal title. Some with mechanical skills and a sense of adventure will accept a SALVAGE or LEMON title. Regardless, it has to be in the seller's name.

For those in California, there is a minor chance that a vehicle from out of state may not be able to be legally registered in California due to California-specific emission controls. However, this hasn't been a major problem since the early 90s due to most manufacturer's making their vehicles CARB (California Air Resources Board) complaint. However it is worth researching if you do plan on registering the vehicle in California.

learn the issuing state's title types

Before you talk to the seller learn what the vehicle's title should look like. This will vary by state. In Texas, for example, normal titles are blue. Salvage titles may be red, green, or have a red SALVAGE stamp (“brand”) on them.

Ask the seller the right questions

  • Why are you selling it?
  • How long have you had it?
  • What did you use it for?
  • Have you had any work done to it?
  • Do you have a normal, non-salvage title in hand?
    • Salvage and other branded titles aren't necessarily a “hard no” but it's important to have full information.
    • A vehicle with a Salvage or otherwise branded title should be significantly cheaper than one with a clean title.
  • Does the VIN match the title?
  • Is it registered in your name (ie, the name on your driver's license)
  • Will I be able to see the title when I come to see the vehicle?
  • When and what recent repairs or maintenance has been done?
  • Can I have it inspected by a mechanic?

If the answer to any of these questions is seems shady, complicated, or uninformed it may be wise to pass.

Tales of woe like these are red flags:

  • “I don't have it”
    • Translation: “The van is stolen.”
  • “I have the title somewhere, I'll send it to you later”
    • Translation: “I don't have it” (See above)
  • “I never registered it”
    • Translation: “I don't legally own it and therefore cannot legally sell it to you”, or
    • “The van is stolen.”
  • “I lost the title but you can get a replacement easily”
    • Translation: “Getting a replacement title is expensive and/or a PITA so I never did it.” or
    • “The van is stolen.”
  • “Well, it actually belongs to my mom/friend/dog/etc”
    • Translation: “The van is stolen.”

run the VIN

VIN checks are not perfect but can often provide usable information about a potential vehicle. Individual checks can be expensive, so if you are in heavy hunting mode it can be much cheaper to get a bulk allotment of VIN checks or an unlimited number in a certain period.

The most popular VIN check service is Carfax.

Next in line is Autocheck.


“Interior cabinetry is a good indication of overall construction quality. Cabinets made of paper veneer over particle board or MDF are cheap, and are indicative of the overall cost target for the construction. Rvs that are targeted for weekend use can be made inexpensively because they don't get much wear and tear.” – Gary RV_Wizard1)


The general advice on the CRVL forums is to buy on condition first.2)

A vehicle with lots of miles but in good condition with all maintenance records may be a better bet than a vehicle with fewer miles but in rougher condition or with unknown maintenance history.


Rust-free is better than rusted, but body panel rust is less serious than frame rust (for example). Your mechanic will be able to advise what is cosmetic and what is problematic.

known issues

All vehicle platforms have known issues; these are weak points or problems that may happen more frequently on that platform compared to others. There are no perfect vans, no perfect campers.

Knowing what the common issues are can help you look for (or ask about) common problems. Here is an attempt to collect known issues on various platforms.


Not all miles are created equal. “City” driving characterized by frequent short trips and start-stop driving causes immensely more wear and tear per mile than cruising down the highway.

As a HUGE over simplification for the chassis/engine/body itself:

  • 0-10,000 miles
    • Higher risk of manufacturing defects, failures or repairs needed due to build issues.
  • 10,000-100,000 miles
    • Usually the most trouble-free period, but also still going to be the most expensive to buy something used.
  • 100,000-200,000 miles
    • The sweet spot for used purchases. Minor repairs will be occasional, but by this time the purchase price is typically low enough to make it worth it. See the All vans have issues page for some common failure points that are model specific to watch out for.
  • 200,000-300,000
    • This is where miles can start to be a concern. Typically if you're buying something with this mileage, you should be fairly mechanically inclined and capable of doing minor to medium repairs yourself.
    • Vans with this many miles can start to become very cheap if you are savvy.
    • Passenger vans (especially those used for airport shuttles or with lots of highway driving) are typically in better shape with these many miles. Especially if you can find something that did a lot of highway usage, this many miles is likely not going to be a problem and can get you a fairly reliable van for not much money.
  • 300,000+ miles
    • This is the danger zone for most vehicles, and only experienced mechanics who know what they're doing should be looking for vehicles in this range. They can still be had and can still be acceptably reliable, but you need to know what you're doing.

Mechanic's inspection

If the vehicle still interests you after the above it is time for a pre-sale inspection.

The potential camper is taken to a preselected mechanic (who knows you're coming!) to have it professionally inspected. This usually takes less than an hour and costs $50 - $100.

If the seller balks at the inspection you might sweeten the deal by offering to provide him with a copy of the inspection. This will reassure him you are honest and give him something to show other buyers if you decide to pass. If the seller still won't allow the vehicle to be inspected it may be safest to assume they are hiding something about the vehicle's condition.

On new or nearly-new vehicles the mechanic may find nothing interesting. On older vehicles there will generally be work needed immediately or at some future time ; the mech will be able to ballpark the costs of the needed repairs.

non-local vehicles

If the vehicle is not local to you, consider asking a forum member who lives in that area to lay eyes on it for you. It won't be an inspection but can give you an idea whether or not to buy a bus or train ticket to see it for yourself.

There are also RV and Vehicle inspectors who will travel to the vehicle to inspect it. The price is generally higher and they will not be able to lift the vehicle onto an overhead rack for thorough underside inspection.

rv/assessment.1651608775.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/03 16:12 by princess_fluffypants