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Words of Wisdom:

Step 1 in any design is to really understand your use.– jracca1)

The Build

The “build” is the creation of your campervan from whatever condition it is currently in. Regardless of the eventual type of build, you may find benefit in using a standardized order of events.

Builds range from bare essentials to technical wonderlands to luxurious. There are no fixed lists of “Must Have's” or “Most Avoids”, because the whole point of building a van is that it has what you want. How fancy you get is up to you, from the most basic usage of a “metal tent” with nothing but a sleeping bag and a camping pad in the back, up to the $200k+ pre-made luxo-barges.

Here's some very rough estimations of build types, from the simple to the complex:

The Metal Tent

Fast and simple, this is as minimal as it gets. You're in a metal box that keeps the elements off of you, and everything else is done in a similar way to backpacking.

Interior Lining Sleeping Equipment Food Storage Cooking Clothing Storage Internet
None! (Or factory upholstry) Sleeping Pad and Sleeping Bag None Jetboil or similar Backpacks Cell Phone

Similarly, there's no “Right” way to plan. Various methods are used for planning:

  • pen and paper
  • sketchup or other design/CAD programs
  • Cardboard Aided Design2), 1:1 modeling the van space in the real world
  • the “sit/stand in the van and think” model recommended by secessus :-)

example builds

rv/build.1642132344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/13 22:52 by princess_fluffypants