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Composting toilet

Composting toilets are waterless (dry) toilets designed for use in applications with no plumbed sewage system. They operate on two principles:

  1. dessication of solid waste in an absorbant media to eliminate odor and mess.
  2. separation of liquid and solid waste to avoid messing up the first step

The media would compost over time, but composting toilets are emptied regularly, even if infrequently. This means the media is actually not composting to any significant degree in the toilet. Some have argued a better term for this system is “dessicating toilet” but the name is not in widespread use.

While composting toilets are often vented by a fan, this is to remove moisture from the toilet rather than to control waste odors (which are negligible).


In general an RV-appropriate composting toilet is designed for use by 1-2 people. In this use the solids compartment is used for about 2 person-months. The liquids tank fills in a few person-days.

Normal 1-ply toilet paper is safe for the solids compartment though overuse can reduced capacity and over-dry the compost medium.


Commercial composting toilets are a sit-to-pee design for both sexes. The urine diverson systems are designed to work when sitting and keeping urine out of the solids compost is critical to the operation of the toilet.


Commercial composting toilets generally keep the solids container closed by a door when not in active use. There are two approaches:

  1. “straight drop” - the cover is removed before use and deposits are made directly into the solids compartment
  2. platform - there is a trapdoor mechanism that opens when the deposit is completed (as when flushing a plumbed toilet). A coffee filter can be placed over the trapdoor to reduce mess.



  • coconut coir (shredded and compressed husk) - recommended by Nature's Head.1)
  • sphagnum or peat moss - recommended by C-Head2), Airhead3), and Nature's Head.4)
  • sawdust - recommended by C-Head5)
  • ground cob


There are several commercial models suitable for RV use. One can also make a simple DIY model.

Nature's Head

images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com_images_i_41k7tv5c0kl._ac_us160_.jpg Features:

  • made in the USA
  • stainless fittings
  • 5 year warranty
  • 2.2gal liquid tank with visible level
  • relocatable compost crank
  • relocatable vent outlet



  • relatively low cost (about $300 less due to simpler components)
  • straight drop system.6)
  • a template for making a cardboard mockup
  • uses normal 1gal milk jugs for liquid tank

Note: The C-Head's use of an inexpensive, cut-down 5gal bucket for the solids reduces costs but has some side effects the prospective buyer should consider:

  1. solids compartment needs to be emptied about 2x as often as other commercial models (every 2 person-weeks).
  2. auger-style agitator does not mix in toilet paper in very well; it tends to float on top.



  • designed to mimic domestic toilets
  • 5 year warranty
  • can remove liquids tank without opening solids compartment


feature chart

Feature Nature's Head C-Head Airhead DIY
urine separationyes yes yes no
solid depositstrapdoor straight drop trapdoor straight drop
can add toilet paper yes not recommended7),8) yes yes
must open solids compartment to empty liquids yes yes no n/a
toilet/composting.1488453904.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)