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“There is no shortage of water in the desert but exactly the right amount, a perfect ratio of water to rock, water to sand, insuring that wide free open, generous spacing among plants and animals, homes and towns and cities, which makes the arid west so different from any other part of the nation. There is no lack of water here unless you try to establish a city where no city should be.” Edward Abbey

water for drinking

Sourcing and storing drinking water is a major limitation for vandwellers in general and boondockers in particular. Be ready to take advantage of water availability.

water spigots

You may find it easy to ask for permission to collect some water from:

  • friends/relatives houses
  • some gas stations have water at the fuel pumps - ask for permission to use water from other locations
  • rest areas
  • public parks
  • park visitor centers

Be on the lookout for spigots, and watch for signs that the water may not be for human use. Sourcing water from RV dump stations in inadvisable; the water itself is likely potable but dump stations are prone to sewage splashing and other misuse by uninformed RVers. This means the spigots are likely contaiminated.

Public sources of water will often be threaded to allow the connection of a potable water hose (like a garden hose but white in color) which can reduce manually carrying water back to the van. They can be found in the RV section of big box stores.

spigots without handles

Note that even if you get permission the clerk may not have a key for spigots with no handle. Handles are often removed to prevent tampering (like kids turning on the spigot and leaving it on all night). Being able to say “I have a key!” may help speed up getting that permission – the clerk doesn't have to do anything.

A silcock tool fits spigots that have square shanks. The tools typically fit four different common sizes. shank handles will fit either 12- or 16-point shanks. It may be easiest to carry one of each - they are $1 at hardware stores.

Note: carrying these tools may be an important survival tool.

non-spigot outlets
Sinks and other non-threaded outlets can be tedious to extract water from. A water thief is a rubber device that slips over an outlet and offers a hose connection on the other end. A short

commercial sources

Water kiosks usually sell water for 25c/gallon. The way the stations are set up may require the use of a bucket or other tall container to collect the vended water.

Some RV service stations will sell water. The famous RV Pit Stop in Quartzsite has long fill hoses and sells R/O water for 25c/gal, but you can fill your tank with filtered well water for a flat $2.

Some small town water companies will have a public spigot priced (very cheaply) by the gallon.1)


rivers and creeks

surface collection

water/drinking.1584393711.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)