====== Disconnecting alternator charging at a voltage setpoint ====== There are scenarios where one might want to prevent a [[electrical:12v:alternator|battery isolator]] from combining the house and chassis 12v systems: - the house battery might be a chemistry that could get overcharged by the alternator (lithium, for example) - the house battery might have a resting voltage high enough to trigger the house side of a dual-sensing relay (LiFePO4) - the combined circuit can feed higher-than-optimal voltages back from solar charge controller to the chassis' electronics. - a [[electrical:12v:b2b|b2b charger]] in parallel with an [[electrical:12v:alternator|isolator]] could have the same backfeeding result ===== how it works ===== [[electrical:12v:alternator|Isolator/relays/solenoids]], etc, use mechanical or electrical means to combine the chassis and house 12v systems. These mechanical or electrical means will require a small amount power to operate.((latching relays excepted)) If the device's own power source is disconnected it will turn off and 12v systems will be separate again.((again, latching relays excepted)) Using a [[electrical:12v:hvd|High Voltage Disconnect]] to kill power to the device will stop the alternator from charging the house battery at a given voltage setpoint. Shutting down the device will require different approaches, depending on where it gets the power to operate itself. ===== solenoids and relays ===== {{ https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51tg8FDT67L._SX466_.jpg?200}} Purely Mechanical devices like solenoids and relays use 12v //trigger// or //exciter// voltage((usually from the accessory circuit)) to operate. They will either have 4 lugs or 3 lugs; in the latter case grounding is done through the base of the device. Power to these devices is disrupted by interrupting power to the trigger+, which is one of the small lugs.((or the only small lug in the case of 3 lug relays)) ===== voltage sensing relays ===== Voltage sensing relays (VSR) typically take power from the chassis battery and have a thin ground to complete the circuit. Power to VSRs is disrupted by cutting the ground wire. One way to reestablish the ground (thereby turning the device on) is HVD --> relay NO contacts --> ground wire in/out ===== solid state isolators ===== It is unlikely you will need an HVD with a diode-based isolators because: - the isolator can't backfeed voltage back to the starter battery, and - voltage drops up to 1v in the diodes when passing alternator --> isolator --> house bank But it is theoretically possible alternator voltage is so high that even with the drop you might want an HVD. Some solid state isolators have a trigger or exciter input; control with HVD as with solenoids and relays. Three lug isolators without exciter input might not be usable with HVD.