DRAFT ====== Cudy LT500 ====== The [[https://amzn.to/3NmAOzO|Cudy LT500]] is a [[https://www.cablefree.net/wirelesstechnology/4glte/lte-ue-category-class-definitions/|Cat4]]((Up to 150 Mbps Download / 50 Mbps Upload)) LTE modem and [[https://www.tech21century.com/wifi-ac1200-vs-ac1750-vs-ac1900-ac2200-vs-ac3000/|AC1200]]((maximum theoretical combined WiFi bandwidth speed is 1200Mbps)) WiFi router/repeater. There is relatively little documentation so this page attempts to collect what there is. ===== software ===== The LT's software is a modified OpenWRT or LEDE stack: > Fri May 20 21:41:05 2022 kern.notice kernel: [ 0.000000] Linux version 4.4.140 (jenkins@cudy_release) (gcc version 5.4.0 (**LEDE** GCC 5.4.0 1.3.5) ) #0 Thu Mar 17 11:30:29 2022 ===== power supply ===== The router is powered by a 12V/1A (DC) adapter, so should be easy to run off [[electrical:12v:intro|house power]]. ===== the LT family ===== ^ Model ^ RAM/flash ^ wifi ^ LTE ^ chips ^ |[[https://amzn.to/3sPhXWi|LT500]] (black)|128MB/16MB|802.11ac/a/n/b/g 2.4/5GHz|LTE-FDD:B2/B4/B5/B12/B13/B14/B66/B71 \\ WCDMA: B2/B4/B5|LTE: Qualcomm EC25-AFX chip((per Amazon listing)) \\ Wifi: Mediatek T7628-series((per firmware strings))| |[[https://amzn.to/3wwBUDB|LT450]] (white)|128MB/16MB|802.11ac/a/n/b/g 2.4/5GHz|LTE-FDD:B2/B4/B5/B12/B13/B14/B66/B71 \\ WCDMA: B2/B4/B5|LTE:EC200T (Or Quectel EC25) \\ WiFi: MT7628A+MT7612E((https://newwezhanoss.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/contents/sitefiles2019/10096568/files/381817..pdf?Expires=1653018324&OSSAccessKeyId=LTAIekGM1705vEQp&Signature=2txnkuvYHMtx7ErJGrvk%2BbEEAAQ%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3DLT450%2520V1.0_Datasheet.pdf&response-content-type=application%2Fpdf))| |[[https://amzn.to/3G4ZwSM|LT400]] (black)((and different case))|64MB/8MB|802.11n/b/g 2.4 GHz|LTE-FDD:B2/B4/B5/B12/B13/B14/B66/B71 \\ WCDMA: B2/B4/B5|LTE: Qualcomm Chipset \\ Wifi: MTK Chipset((https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/A1B-8ankYFL.pdf))| |LT350 (white)|64MG/8MB|802.11n 2.4GHz|LTE-FDD: B2/B4/B5/B12/B13/B14/B66/ B71 \\ WCDMA: B2/B4/B5|not listed((https://www.cudy.com/productinfo/781059.html))| It is not immediately clear what the difference is between 450 and 500 besides color. When checked, firmware v.1.3.6 for both was byte-for-byte identical and refers to Mediatek MT7628 chip: md5sum *.bin 2f4ce9b89723dfa91bd44f6291ee1d60 LT450-R9-1.13.6-20220317-193822-flash.bin 2f4ce9b89723dfa91bd44f6291ee1d60 LT500-R9-1.13.6-20220317-193822-flash.bin ==== hardware version ==== Under ''Advanced Settings | Firmware'' it shows HW version at the bottom of the dialog. ===== official docs ===== * [[https://www.cudy.com/productinfo/167473.html|product page]] on Cudy.com * [[https://www.cudy.com/lt500_software_download|firmware]], [[https://www.cudy.com/newsinfo/1921212.html|how to upgrade]] * [[https://www.cudy.com/Driver_Manuals|manuals]] (//QIG// means //quick install guide//) ===== undocumented features ===== **Smart Connect** allows separate 2.4/6GHz configurations but presents a single SSID. > Behind the scenes, the router automatically determines whether to connect a device to the 2.4 or 5 GHz band, thereby providing the best speed and range for each device and optimally distributing devices to each network.((https://eu.dlink.com/uk/en/support/faq/routers/wireless-routers/dir-series/dir-878/what-is-smart-connect)) **TR069** appears to refer to [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TR-069|this device management spec]]. **Remote Web** allows remote access to the router web interface over the internet (Requires a reachable Public IP). **AT commands** can be entered at [[http://cudy.net/cgi-bin/luci/admin/network/gcom/atcmd|this link]].((may have to open 2nd tab to keep JS from interfering)) ===== further reading ===== * [[https://wirelessjoint.com/viewforum.php?f=52|Cudy subforum]] on wirelessjoint * [[https://wirelessjoint.com/viewforum.php?f=57|TTL subforum]] on wirelessjoint