Words of wisdom: ====== Where will I poop and pee? ====== Pooping and peeing are basic human functions that we all must perform. Bathroom visits are simple in a sticks-and-bricks house with indoor plumbing, but take some extra thought in a camper. Small vehicles may not have room for a full toilet, and those with a toilet aren't going to have a standard flush toilet. [[water:start|Obtaining water]] and taking care of sewage ("black water") are both constant concerns when living in a vehicle. If you don't have room or don't want to deal with sewage, you can stay near places where toilet facilities are available. This might be in paid campsites, a friend's driveway, [[camping:walmart|24hr stores]], fast food joints, [[camping:rest_area|rest areas]], etc. Essentially, you have to decide if dealing with your own toilet is more or less of a problem than finding someone else's toilet when you need it. ===== Toilet options ===== In order of least to most primitive: * **[[toilet:plumbed|Plumbed toilets]]** are closest to a conventional flush toilet. Waste is dropped from the toilet into a "black water" sewage holding tank which will later be emptied at a dump station. These often use a bit of water as a rinse, and chemicals need to be added to the tank to reduce odors. * **[[toilet:composting|Composting toilets]]** separate liquid and solid waste and dry out the solid waste to virtually eliminate odors. They may cost several hundred dollars. * A **[[toilet:cassette|cassette toilet]]** are portable toilets with a small holding tank built into the base of the toilet, which can later be removed and emptied into a flush toilet. * **[[toilet:bucket|Buckets]]** can be used for solid waste (similar to a composting toilet) or for solid and liquid waste if disposed of quickly. If you don't have room for a bucket [[https://amzn.to/3V93ZNC|a folding toilet might work]]. * A **[[toilet:cat hole|cat hole]]** is a hole you dig in the ground (on remote public property) to bury your waste. ===== pee ===== [[https://amzn.to/2GEgBIk|{{ https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/41cWrz4V7lL._AC_US218_.jpg}}]]**Peeing in the van** is fairly simple: pee in a bottle and dump it later. Gatorade bottles are preferred by many men because of the wide opening. People with vaginas have often used empty [[https://www.amazon.com/Maxwell-House-Coffee-Original-30-6-Ounce/dp/B0084CO2W8|2lb coffee ground tubs]] in the van, due to the extremely wide opening that makes it almost impossible to miss. For peeing outside the van, they may find a [[https://amzn.to/2GEgBIk|Go Girl]] or [[https://amzn.to/3idTTqJ|SheWee]]-type device helpful. Consider [[https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R6844WZOQ0SRA/ref=cm_cr_dp_d_rvw_ttl?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B003BEDUS6|this amazon review]]: >I peed everywhere. That bush? Yep. Peed on it! That tree? Uh huh. Peed on it. Those tiny woodland creatures? Screw you, b*tches! Peed on them. I peed in the sun. I peed in the rain. I peed just for fun. I peed down a drain. I peed in the light. I peed in the dark. I peed left and right. I peed in the park... Some female campers report success with [[https://amzn.to/3EV3sEM|inexpensive funnels]] in place of proprietary female urinals, and with [[https://amzn.to/3odahvC|pee cloths]] instead of toilet paper.((Hat tip to [[https://amateurontheloose.com/|Amateur on the Loose]])) ===== poop ===== The most common poop receptacle for van use is the [[toilet:bucket|bucket toilet]]. At it's simplest, it's a bucket with some kind of liner for easy removal. The deluxe bucket toilet (~$20) has a seat/lid and may also involve sawdust or kitty litter. [[toilet:composting|Composting toilets]] don't have to be emptied after each use but cost many hundreds of dollars. See why the bucket is so popular? Folks without room for a bucket can use doubled grocery or trash bags. Tie off and dispose in trash after use, as one does with baby diapers or dog poop bags. Tip: those doggy poop bags are a good way to store the tied off bags until you can get rid of them. In the wild, where allowed, one can dig [[toilet:cat_hole|cat holes]].