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Keeping your Lithium bank happy and healthy

why does Lithium exist in the first place?

Early lithium battery chemistries were an attempt to get much greater power-to-weight ratio than was achievable with lead, NiCad, NiMH, etc. Lightness and power are extremely useful in aviation, space launches, RC racing, etc. A side benefit is that lithium does not suffer from partial states of charge like lead does.

Unfortunately for vanfolk, early lithium had cell voltages that didn't line up well with 12v applications, and a disconcerting habit of entering thermal runaway (ie, violently catching on fire).

LiFePO4, the current lithium standard for vandwellers, is much more stable and have cell voltages that work well with 12v power systems. The downside is lower energy density than the flamethrowing versions.

what does it take to keep LiFePO4 happy?

Consumer-grade LiFePO4 batteries prefer: