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Quartzsite, Arizona

Quartzsite1) (“Q” or “Q-town”) is the most famous snowbird winter haven. It is centered of the intersection of Interstate 10 and US Route 952) / AZ Route 953).

It is known both for winter camping and for the Big Tent and Gem shows.

The area is known more for snowbird services rather than for aesthetic beauty.

camping options


Dispersed camping on BLM land is free and limited to 14d as with many other BLM lands. Because of heavy use there are some restrictions:

  • dispersed camping is only allowed in designated areas
    • Plomosa, 6 miles north of Q
    • Hi Jolly4), 3 miles north of Q
    • Scadden Wash, 4 miles east of Q
    • Dome Rock, 6 miles west of Q
    • Road Runner, 5 miles south of Q
  • a free permit is required

The permit is available from the camp host; typically the host's RV will be near the entrance and have a table out front to facilitate paperwork. A flagpole signifies when the host is available: if the flag is flying you can approach to get the permit. If the flag is down find your spot and come back when the flag is flying.


Longer stays are available for a fee in La Posa, which are a collection of four Long Term Visitors Areas (LVTA). The LTVA typically offer dumpsters, RV dumps, vault toilers.

RV parks

Commercial RV parks are also available for those who cannot boondock or who prefer not to.


showers, surplus groceries, cheap water @ RV pitstop, trash collection point north of town.

Silly's Pizza

the name is historical mis-spelling
which turns west at Q
heading north
corruption of “Haj Ali”
camping/snowbirding/quartzsite.1637598296.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/22 11:24 by frater_secessus