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Zello is a free push-to-talk (PTT) mobile “walkie talkie” application.

It provide verbal interaction for dispersed people using very little bandwidth. That sounds perfect for 'dwellers!

vandwelling channel

The vandwelling channel on zello is an unofficial companion to Bob's Cheap RV Living forum, Gary's Vandweller Forum, /r/vandwellers and /r/ActualVandwellers/.

As of this writing there is no password required. If we need one later it will be posted here.

cardwelling channel

The cardwelling channel is an unofficial companion to /r/urbancarliving.

As of this writing there is no password required. If we need one later it will be posted here.

relevant features

It allows for

  • the creation of both public and private channels
  • open talking or pre-approval of new members
  • allowing/disallowing/moderation of image posting

data usage

Zello is light on the bandwidth, and can be used on minimal connections: It uses a relatively tiny amount of bandwidth:

“The app consumes 20 KB (KiloBytes) per hour when idle. The audio encoder is chosen based on the connection type of both the sender and receiver. If both are using WiFi, it will will use 45 kpbs. If either are using 2G, it'll switch to 12 kbps. If using ZelloWork, the active data rate can be configured in the range between 8 kbps and 40 kbps. Average monthly data usage is generally from 70-100 MB, although individual usage may vary.”1)
communication/zello.txt · Last modified: 2021/05/16 21:34 by frater_secessus