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Bandwidth conservation

conserving mobile data


“On recent versions of Android (last couple of years) you can pull up the Settings | Apps menu and select the unwanted app. If it was preinstalled you can probably Disable it, which will lock it down. If it was installed afterwards you can Uninstall it from there.

This will stop the creeping background data use and battery consumption.

If you only want to control sneaky data use you can go to Settings | Mobile Data (or Data Usage, depending) and select any apps you see listed as being hogs. Tap on the hog and Restrict app background data. It will still be able to use mobile data when you are using the app but not when you are not interacting with it.

Note: Apps that you intend to run in the background (email, texting, nav, google services, streaming, whatever) should keep access to background data.”1)

conserving wifi data

communication/bandwidth_conservation.1480630042.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)