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Internet for nomads

The internet is a lifeline for 'dwellers but it not always available in the ways it is for sedentary folk. There are two major challenges:

  1. intermittency - the nomad will sometimes be completely out of range of internet access. i.e. no wifi or mobile data available.
  2. limited bandwidth - there is internet access but it is dodgy or very congested, as in an RV park or when shooting long distances to an open wifi access.
  3. security - know what is safe and what is not
  4. expense - mobile data is $$$ compared to residential broadband


extending your reach

commercial extenders

DIY extenders

better wifi adapters

mobile data

Mobile (or “cell” data) is the internet access provided by mobile telecomm networks:

  • Verizon dominates the RV/vandweller market because it has the most coverage, including out-of-the-way places. This makes it the most popular carrier among nomads and boondockers. Verizon is infamous for being expensive and for doing jerky things like limiting built-in features on their phones. It can be a bit of a love-hate relationship.
  • AT&T and T-Mobile are about equal – full coverage near cities and spottier coverage in the boonies. One advantage to these carriers is that their SIM cards can be put in any unlocked GSM phone.
  • Sprint is rarely used due to minimal coverage

Perhaps counterintuitively, having a non-Verizon carrier can actually be desirable at RV meetups, since everyone else is likely to be hammering the Verizon towers.


Often you can buy data at cheaper rates. Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) are resellers who buy excess capacity from major networks and sell it to customers at reduced prices. Examples: Boost (Sprint network), U.S. Mobile (Verizon network) and many others.

The tradeoff is that your data may be deprioritized when a particular tower gets congested. Your data will still work, it'll just be slower when all those folks paying full retail start streaming Netflix at 7pm or whatever. Can't put up with that? Pay full price and take your chances with congestion anyhow.

If you want to find an MVNO for your preferred network, search for “verizon mvno”, “T-mobile mvno”, etc.

communication/internet.1581007450.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/11 19:48 (external edit)