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Problems caused by excessive LiFePO4 charging voltage


So your LiFePO4 battery is acting up:

  • won't charge fully
  • seems to have reduced capacity
  • voltages in the system are spiking, perhaps tripping your inverter

It's fairly common for excessive charging voltage to cause these symptoms. Unfortunately it's very common for preconfigured Lithium profiles to charge at these voltages.


If this is the problem then reducing the charging voltage to something like 13.6v will cause the symptoms to improve.

about these summaries]

the full process

  1. reduce charging voltage (aka “absorption voltage”, “boost voltage”)) to something like 13.6v and float voltage, if used, to something like 13.4v.
  2. observe for a few days. Charging will be slower and may not finish by sundown1), but we are most interested in whether or not the symptoms above clear up.
  3. if they do clear up you can start to raise the charging voltage back up gradually (13.65v, 13.7v, 13.74v, etc) or you can leave it low. {note from secessus: there is little benefit to charging LiFePO4 >13.8v.] Float can remain at 13.4v.
  4. if it starts acting up again drop charging voltage back down

why the problem occurs


  1. lithium cell voltages are very “flat” for most of their usable capacity. When deeply discharged the voltage drops off dramatically, and when they are overcharged their voltage spikes dramatically. Because of the shape of this voltage curve we sometimes say there is a “lower knee”, broad flat middle, and “upper knee”.
  2. when one cell hits overcharge first it can “run away” voltage-wise, and do so quite suddenly. This unevenness in cell voltage is called “imbalance” and is more likely to happen with higher charging voltages.2)
  3. the BMS sees the runaway and shuts down charging to avoid damaging the cell
  4. which stops all charging of the battery3)
  5. if the cell imbalance is bad enough the battery can't charge anywhere near full because the misbehaving cell is causing problems.

So we ease up on charging which encourages the cell to stay in line with the others, which allows for a full battery charge.

The bigger question is this: why do battery and charger manufacturers specify such high charging voltages in the first place?

further reading

you may have to define or increase an Absorption/boost duration
and also higher currents, but usually excessive current isn't a problem with offgrid charging
and a voltage spike because the charger “went away”, from the charger's PoV
opinion/frater_secessus/lifepo4_charging_voltage.1688007200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/28 22:53 by frater_secessus