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[also see How do I run a 12v compressor refrigerator?]
There are several factors:
And a couple formulas we will use to convert units back and forth:
Using the US as an example:
Note: when discussing current we often use Amps, since that informs our wiring/fusing choices.
If we are talking about DC loads the current will be the watts / bank nominal voltage.2). So a 400w DC load running off a 12v bank will pull ~33.3A (400w / 12.0v).
A more usual case is running 120vac loads off an inverter. This will involve both the load itself and inverter losses caused by the conversion. Inverter efficiencies vary by model and actual loads applied on them, but we can ballpark 85% for the purposes of this discussion. So 15% additional losses.
The inverter should probably be run with some headroom below its rating. So perhaps a 500w continuous rating for our example 400w load.
Different battery bank chemistries and capacities have a certain amount of current they can comfortably deliver.
In practice the loads on the battery bank might be greater (other loads running) or lesser (alternator, solar, or shore power charging active).
Energy use (daily power requirement) is often represented in Watt-hours, although Amp-hours will also work.
This is time (hours) x watts. Our 518W (39.3A at 12v) load run for 20 minutes would be ~173Wh (518 x 20 minutes / 60 minutes in an hour) or 13.1Ah.
Battery chemistries have recommended depths of discharge.
Then multiply by the “days of autonomy” (ie, without recharging). If you want two days then multiply the above by 2, for example. If you know you will be able to recharge fully each day then days of autonomy is 1.
Note that running loads while sufficient charging is active is basically a freebie and does not count against the battery capacity.4)
This is the part that people often forget (or prefer not to think about) in the planning stage. Yes, your power station with a 1500w inverter can run that 1500w load for an hour, but if you can't recharge it then it can do this trick only once. It's like paying rent: being able to afford the first month's rent out of savings is one thing, but one needs income to keep paying the rent every month.
If you are recharging LiFePO4 the 173Wh used is basically what you'd need to recharge that battery to its former state of charge.
Lead battery charging is much less efficient, varying by chemistry and charging stage. For the purposes of this discussion we can assume they are 80% charge-efficient, so replacing 173Wh would actually require 216Wh of charging (173Wh / 0.8).