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Words of Wisdom:

Over many years of capacity testing hundreds and hundreds of batteries, flooded, GEL and AGM I have yet to see a lead acid battery that could delivers its full storage potential at anything less than 0.75%1) in tail current at absorption voltage. MaineSail2)

Battery murder

Battery murder (or Batterycide) is the murder of batteries by abuse, misuse, inappropriate charging, etc. The term is commonly used by SternWake: “my goal here is to prevent batterycide.”3)

It is so common for new RVers to wreck their first set of house batteries that some recommend using cheap wally world batteries as sacrificial lambs to the learning process.4) As the RVers learns more and gets charging set up correctly they would invest in better quality batteries and have them last several years.

murdering flooded lead-acid

Flooded lead-acid (FLA) batteries are the most resillient to mistreatment but they too can be killed.

murdering AGM

AGM have benefits but are easier to murder.

murdering lithium

AKA “hard” sulfation. The battery undergoes “soft” sulfation and desulfation during normal charging/discharging.
or slightly below
except the part about low water levels
lifeline excepted