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Words of Wisdom: It is cheaper and easier to use less power than it is to make more power. – highdesertranger1)
Rationing solar power
Sometimes normal awareness is not enough to keep a solar setup functioning with usable power. In these situations one might need to take steps to minimize loads and maximize power generation.
Here are some examples:
minimizing loads
find and eliminate parasitic loads
make it a habit to turn off anything you don't need
right now. Channel your Inner Dad who says “turn off the lights when you leave the room!”

charge light sources during full sun and use them at night
go to bed with the sun, rise with the sun
use low-power entertaining like reading instead of power-hungry entertainment like TV, gaming console, etc
turn down screen brightness on phones, tablets, TVs
minimize the use of inverters by using 12v appliances and adapters when possible
turn inverters off when not in use
size the inverter to meet the needs of your biggest loads. Oversizing wastes power because bigger inverters have more parasitic draw. It may be worthwhile to have a small inverter for small loads and a big inverter for big loads; this stops the inefficient use of small loads on a big inverter.
use MSW unless your intended uses need PSW; MSW have lower parasitic draws.
open your refrigerator as little as possible after sundown
cook with propane instead of electricty
maximizing solar harvest
ensure the panels are not shaded by natural obstructions: move out from under trees, overhangs, etc.
ensure the panels are not shaded by manmade obstructions on your own RV: antennas, A/C units, vents, etc. One way to minimize shading is to park so that the greatest expanse of panel is facing south and any obstructions are on the north side of the van.
tilt panels if possible
ensure no tarps, awnings or other obstructions are preventing cooling breezes from passing under/over the panels; panel output drops as cell temperature rises.
framed panels (mono and poly) should be mounted with some space underneath them for cooling airflow. Cell temperature affects panel voltage output.
clean the solar panels. Dust or dirt on the panels can decrease panel output by 5-10% in some cases.
tweak your PWM controller to produce more power, and be
ruthless about not running loads until the battery bank is out of bulk mode.