“Drop-in” batteries are pre-built LiFePO4 (LFP) lithium (Li) batteries that are more or less the same size and voltage as lead-chemistry (Pb1) hereafter) 12v batteries.2) 100Ah is the most common capacity, but larger and smaller batteries do exist.
The other approach to lithium is DIY3), where one selects cells, BMS, and other components and builds it themselves. That topic is beyond the scope of this article. People interested in DIY might want to read the DIY LiFePO4 Battery Banks subforum over on DIY Solar. You can also see the Lithium Battery Summary article for high points of a debate on lithium suitability for long term use.
Beginning in roughly 2022, the market for drop-in Lithium batteries started growing extremely quickly and prices started coming down out of the stratosphere. Knock-off branded Chinese lithium batteries have also come up in quality, with a slew of different “brands” (that are all idendical) starting to feature things like bluetooth monitoring, cold cut-off, and internal heaters.
The DIY Solar Forums are a good place to check for updated info, as well as links to teardown reviews and disassembly videos where the internal component quality has been given a detailed review.
Specific to drop-ins: ready to use; no building required.
Specific to drop-ins:: can be “black boxes” with no practical way tell what is going on inside. Some do have bluetooth or other methods to interact with the insides. Of course, lead batteries are black boxes, too. Although technical folks would be curious to know the inner workings, it is not a given that Normal People require that information.
There are many factors here which only you will be able to assess.
Most 'dwellers will use 12v (12.8v) LFP banks. Higher voltages are available but the use cases that require those voltages are beyond the scope of this article.
If you are replacing a lead-chemistry bank whose capacity met needs, you can find the equivalent in LFP by multipying the lead capacity by 0.625. For example, if your 200Ah lead bank met needs it would require ~125Ah of LFP to replace it.
If you are starting from scratch (no existing battery bank) it's a bit of math like any other bank:
Example: if you needed 1,500Wh/day and wanted two days of autonomy, you would require 3,750Wh of LFP.9) (1,500Wh x 2 days / .8 usable)
Roughly from most common to least common:
LFP cells can be damaged by undervoltage. Discharge is typically disabled when one or more cells drops to ~2.625v (~10.5v for the pack)
If the BMS has shut down due to low voltage/SoC it usually requires external voltage to “wake” it. Connect another battery, start the vehicle if alternator charging is present, self-jumpstart, etc. Read the battery manual for specifics.
LFP cells can be damaged by overvoltage. Charging is typically disabled when one or more cells rises to ~3.65v (~14.6vv for the pack)
LFP cells can be damaged by use at high temperatures, so the BMS will disable use at extreme temperatures.
The BMS will have stated charge/discharge limits. They may be the same or different; when they are different the discharge current limit is usually higher than the charge current limit. Examples in a 200Ah battery might be:
Note that just because you can charge/discharge at higher rates doesn't mean you have to or that you should. Generally speaking LFP prefers current to stay around 0.2C (40A for our 200Ah example) for longevity and cell balance. Also if you will only ever need to discharge at 75A then a 200A BMS is not required.
[not present in all BMS]
LFP cells are damaged by charging when the cells are at ~freezing temperatures.10)
Lack of low temperature cutoff is not necessarily a deal-breaker. Maybe you live in a hot location. Maybe your chargers have low temperature cutoff. Maybe you externally warm your battery.
The shape of the voltage curve11) can the cell to leave the flat middle first to “run away” from the others, voltage-wise. Example of mild imbalance when charging to 14.0v:
Cell #1 - 3.500 Cell #2 - 3.502 Cell #3 - 3.518 <- runner Cell #1 - 3.480 <- lagger
In this case the voltage adds up to 14.0v (good) but some cells are out of whack with the others (bad). The difference between the highest and lowest cell voltage is 38mV;; this difference is called the voltage delta. The pattern would exaggerate as charging continues until one cell (probably #3) trips the BMS' cell overvoltage charging protection. Triggering charge/discharge protection before the battery is completely charged/discharged reduces the apparent capacity of the battery.12)
Various balancing schemes exist to try to hold back runners. Note: Gentler charging and discharging also tends to improve cell balance.
Passive balancing is the most common BMS cell balancing strategy, present in most drop-in BMS.13) The BMS identifies the runner[s] and dissipates some of their charging current14) with a small resistor. This dissipation reduces the voltage to slow or stop the runner. Passive balancing are usually quite low, perhaps able to bleed off 60mA-100mA. It might take a very long time to balance – wildly imbalanced cells might require a temporary change in charging setpoints.
Passive balancing is total loss: the excess is converted to heat in the resistor.
Active balancing is less common but can usually balancing cells faster and to closer tolerances. The general approach is like Robin Hood – take from the rich (overvoltage cells) cells and give to the poor (undervoltage cells).
The most common active balancer is the double-tiered capacitor type like the Heltec.
Capacitive balancing wastes less power since most of the excess is transferred to the low cell[s]. There are efficiency losses involved (~50%15)) but it's far less than the 100% loss of passive balancing. The main drawbak of capacitive balancers is the current spec (like 5A) only occur at huge deltas; the rest of the time the balancing current is much lower.
In theory inductive active balancers would get around this delta/current relationship. [as of this writing in 2024 I know of no drop-ins that use inductive active balancers - secessus]
[not present in all BMS]
Bluetooth16) so an app can monitor (and possibly interact with) the BMS. Tech hobbyists typically want to know everything that is going on under the hood. It is debatable whether or not Normal People would benefit from visibility into the inner workings.
[less common]
BMS in batteries with a self-heating function trigger the heating when they sense that cell temps are at some defined setpoint.
Note: there are many myths about charging LFP.
There are two main approaches to charging a drop-in:
Some chargers are labeled “lithium-compatible”. This can mean:
If you already own a fully-configurable charger then you probably don't need to buy a lithium-specific one. [my settings are here - secessus]
Note: due to the relatively low voltages of LFP banks19) while charging MPPT controllers will typically outperform PWM.
Lithium can famously accept huge amounts of current; this does not mean it is good for it to do so.
Lithium does not have a minimum charging current in the lead-battery sense. Charge as slow as you like.
If you choose to end Absorption based on current, you might start out with 0.05C and see where that gets you. Adjust as needed.
LFP are typically fully charged at 13.6v, so Absorping at 13.8v for gentle overvolting and floating at 13.2-13.4v are common setpoints for folks who want to get maximal life from the bank. Observe cell voltages and return to mfg-spec voltage if/when balancing is needed.
Andy from Off-Grid Garage found at moderate charging rates like ~C/5:
Manufacturers need simple instructions that will still allow the batteries to meet their advertised lifetime and reduce customer support issues. In this scenario higher charging voltages have the following benefits to the seller:
But higher charging voltages are more likely to cause cell imbalance and behavior that worries new users, like premature disconnect of charging and apparent battery voltage spikes.23)
To walk the battery back down from this precipice we need to lower charging voltage, at least temporarily:
… the reactions that cause [LiFePO4] aging are strongly correlated with voltage - David Howey, Professor of Engineering Science at the University of Oxford25)
Bottom line, stay within the manufacturer recommended specs, and you should be fine, go beyond that (more conservative) and you should be extra fine. – Dzl
[Fine vs Extra Fine is like normal driving vs hypermiling; getting big MPG numbers is possible but requires forethought and a willingness to alter one's own driving style. – secessus]
In this section we are thinking about “extra fine”. One way to baby the bank is to treat it like the manufacturer did when getting the much larger cycle numbers like 8,000. These tend to be:
The overall idea is to treat the bank like there is no BMS, no safety net. Charging rates/voltages are conservative and charging takes longer. Note this only works if one has enough time for gentle charging; if you only have a 2-hour charging window hard-and-fast is the only option and we accept the shorter life trade-off.
The longest-lived, fully documented, instrumented LFP bank in actual use appears to be Maine Sail's 400Ah bank from 2009. It's still holding rated capacity. His charging regime is
Maine Sail's approach demonstrates several of the life-extending approaches discussed in this sub-article.
Note from secessus:
We don't have to slavishly follow what MS and the other early-adopters are doing, but we would be wise to pay attention. I am suggesting the values above would be a better default than every Li profile I have seen so far. I'd encourage new users to start from there and adjust as needed.
There is some evidence that high states of charge may worsen capacity degradation at temperatures >86F:
When capacity degradation occurs in LFP cells at elevated temperatures, both temperature (30–60 °C) and SOC determine the degradation rate. High storage temperature, which is the most important factor, combined with high SOC result in the greatest degradation
If there is sufficient charging time, a lower charging voltage may offer these advantages:
At gentle charge rates like 0.2C, the following patterns emerge:
Some drop-in BMS only start top-balancing at 14.2v26) but increasing voltage to that level tends to cause imbalance. Catch-22.
If charging at lower voltages the initial charge (and occasional charges thereafter) might be to mfg spec voltage. This might allow the BMS to reset “full” and top-balance to the degree that such balancing works.
Also see: Will Prowse's Lithium Battery Longevity: Double or Quadruple the Life of Your Lithium Battery
Lithium banks can go dormant at low voltages in order to protect themselves:
What we need is a dumb charging source to get the party restarted. Another battery. Power supply. Charger with a “wake LiFePO4” mode, vehicle starter battery, etc.
If you want to use the starter battery there are several possibilities:
BMS are often configured to limit charging to 1C (100A for a 100Ah battery) as an absolute maximum. Manufacturer's who actually warranty the battery often recommend .5C (50A) or even .2C (20A) for longevity. Charging at too high a rate for conditions can cause permanent damage to the battery.29), and the effect may be worse at low temperatures.
Charging Li at very high rates may also strain the alternator.
There are two different challenges here:
We can assume the alternator voltage is acceptable to the starter battery because the manufacturer designed that system.33). So we only have think about whether or not the alternator voltage is acceptable to the house bank. And remember that lithium chemistries don't need to be fully charged the way lead batteries do.
For the following thought experiment we will use some a typical alternator output voltage of 14.2v and house bank charging voltage setpoints (“Absorption” or “Boost” voltage, Vabs); check your vehicle's alternator voltage and battery manufacturer charging specs to make your actual decision.
Chemistry | Acceptable Vabs | Optimal Vabs |
Gel | 14.0v - 14.3v | 14.2v |
AGM | 14.2v - 14.5v | 14.4v |
Flooded | 14.4v - 14.8v | 14.6v |
LiFePO4 | 13.6v - 14.4v | 14.2v34) |
Let's think about some combinations. In all these cases alternator charging is extremely useful for Bulk stage charging but may not be sufficient on its own:
Lead batteries require fully charging to 100% state of charge (SoC) but lithium batteries do not. Charging them fully at higher voltages can cause cells to become further out of balance. Leaving them at 100% SoC can cause degradation.37)
This paper found that charging to only 50% SoC resulted in extension of
lifetime expectancy of the vehicle battery by 44–130%. When accounting for the calendar ageing as well, this proved to be a large part of the total ageing.
Having said that, there are valid reasons for charging to 100%:
If we observed closely we would see some differences: the LFP taper is shaped a bit differently, and that lead Absorption tends to start earlier and last longer.
Charging at higher voltages (and higher rates) causes cell imbalance, which the (usually comically-undersized) balancer attempts to correct.
This occurs because the cells hit the high-voltage “knee” at slightly different times, at which point they “race” ahead of the others. Stay below the knee and the cells will tend to stay in balance on their own.
Overcharging lithium to run the cell balancers is like driving up to every red light at 100mph in order to trigger the ABS. It's causing the problem in order to solve the problem.
Lithium doesn't need Absorption in the way lead does.39) In some circumstances, however, an Absorption duration can help match charging setpoint expectations to state of charge reality.
Most charts and tables showing voltage v. SoC assume moderate rates of charge like 0.2C (20A per 100Ah of capacity). At that rate the charts are reasonably accurate.
Very high charge rates, as sometimes seen with alternator charging or large shore power chargers, can throw off these chart estimates. 0.8C charging might only yield 80% SoC when one expected 90%. Conversely, very low charge rates may result in unintentional overcharge; 98% instead of 90%.
One rule of thumb is that the bank is fully charged when you are at your target voltage and current acceptance has decreased to ≤0.10C. Other sources give 0.04C or other values that vary with the base charging rate.40). One could try tail currents in this ballpark and see which gives you the SoC you expect.
Further reading: Off-grid Garage videos testing various absorption approaches
Depends on the charger and how your Li wants to be charged. Most fully-configurable chargers can be used to charge Li.41) Note that some so-called “lithium compatible” chargers may have presets that do not match the requirements of your particular battery, so read the specs.
Here is the order of operations:
Armed with a full understanding, here is one approach to thinking about lead battery charger setpoints for lithium banks:
Note: if you are willing to pay minimal attention, even a single-voltage power supply or relay would work. Stop charging if/when the voltage hits your desired setpoint.
Li certainly doesn't need Float voltage (Vfloat) in the sense lead-chemistry batteries do, but the Float setpoint is still useful for Li battery banks.48)
Reminder: lead requires Float because
Neither of these is true for Li, which dislikes sitting at 100% SoC and has vanishingly-low self-discharge rates.49) So with lithium Float is used for a different purpose, as a voltage floor. It is a voltage below which the charger shouldn't let the bank fall while charging is present. Without Vfloat (or a very low one) the bank would charge then fall until reaching the “re-bulk” setpoint.50). After initial charging loads would run off the battery instead of the charging source. Having a sane Vfloat allows Li to “relax” after charging while retaining the desired amount of Ah/Wh capacity.
What Vfloat setpoint should actually be is a matter of some discussion and experimentation. Each setup (and use case) is different, but we can start with some ballpark assumptions:51)
If you cannot set a Float within the confines of the Li profile then leverage the USER or GEL profile, modifying as described in the previous section.
If you have been successfully charging an AGM bank through a relay then an LFP bank of similar rated capacity will likely charge similarly. The actual results depend on the battery, the alternator, the use case, and even the combiner.
Battle Born says this about direct-charging lithium:
Yes, you can. Under most circumstances you don't even need to modify your system.
They do recommend a BIM or DC-DC charger for banks >300Ah.
So if isolator charging might work and DC-DC charging does work53) why would we even consider using an isolator?
see this section
Why would a manufacturer of pricey DC-DC chargers want to publish a video of a big LFP pack destroying a low-output car alternator55) at idle speeds? And why would they turn comments off? Oh, right.
The setup:
The results:
Keep in mind that alternator RPM is typically 3x engine RPM.
charging lithium batteries at low RPM results in the altenator overheating.62)
Yes, a 300Ah LFP bank can smoke a ≤90A alternator at idle. Is anyone surprised? That's why we don't don't charge at idle, and don't direct-charge big banks off small alternators. Or run big DC-DC off small alternators for that matter. In other breaking news: carrying 1000lbs of cement bags in the back of your Civic will cause damage, too.
They go on to list the workarounds:
{ I would very much like to have seen the regular alt and all three four workarounds demonstrated at the same RPM settings. – secessus }
Sterling also made a video, but left comments on. They use a 90A Bosch alternator64) and 1 Sterling LiFePO4, presumably 100Ah. The battery is connected to an additional load (ahem) and has a heavy dedicated NEG return.65) The alt has no cooling airflow as one would have on a moving vehicle (or even an alt behind a radiator fan).
{Note from secessus: I rather like Sterling stuff, but will call out FUD anywhere I see it}
why do we put on our lithium batteries that you must use a battery-to-battery charger….
Because Sterling's main product line is pricey battery-to-battery (DC-DC) chargers.
what I want to show is what temperature the alternator will go to when you start putting maximum current through the alternator66)
Any alternator will overheat at continuous max current. This is like saying “don't buy Nike shoes because if you jump off a building you'll break your legs.” Duhhh.
The question is: how much current will a LiFePO4 pull from the alternator in a normal install? The sellers of DC-DC chargers are uninterested in showing us this. Spoiler: about 0.32C, or 32A per 100Ah of capacity.
try and keep your alternator down below 80% [output]67)
I'd say even lower, 50% for road vehicles with internal regulation.
The testing, using external load to drive up the current:
Then, as with Victron, reduce alternator RPM so it struggles.70)
At this point they disconnect the load and battery charge acceptance begins to drop. Within 5 mins72) acceptance has dropped to 76A.
At 11:45 he re-applies the artificial load “to see how much hotter it will get”. ???
DC-DC chargers are good enough technology that there is no need to trick customers into buying them.
But the variability in charge rate, alternator output voltage, battery voltage-The calculations for the majority of the period would just not be correct.73)
Correct; direct-charging does not have consistent current so cannot be precisely calculated.
we do have customers who simply use our non current limiting charge systems on lithium and rarely complain74)
Seems like it's worthy of further study.
Microcyling means bouncing between two75) voltage setpoints. The concern here is that each one of these bounces would count as a cycle and subtract from the rated 3,000 cycles or whatever the manufacturer claims. Those who take this position suggest setting Float voltage to the same as Absorption voltage to avoid microcycling. The drawback to this approach is two-fold:
The 2nd point takes a bit of explaining. A solar charge controller completes Absorption then falls to into Float where it will remain as long as the sun77) cooperates. Absorption can be re-triggered if voltage falls below the Absorption Reconnect setpoint, but that setpoint is even lower than Vfloat. If that happens the solar charging has already been overtasked and we will get a “microcycle” during that day in any case if the sun comes back.
Lead batteries famously yield different capacities at different discharge rates; this is the reason they are rated at a specific rate (C/20).
Lithium batteries do exhibit lower apparent capacity under extreme loads78) but the mechanism is concentration polarization rather than Peukert.79) At normal discharge rates (<1C) LFP capacity is relatively stable.
After low voltage cutoff drop-ins often go into a sleep mode. The “wake-up” procedure will be detailed in the battery manual but typically involves a “dumb” charger that does not check for battery voltage before beginning charging. Some chargers (Victron SmartSolar for example) can emulate this dumb mode in Lithium mode in order to wake the battery. See details in product descriptions below.
This issue occurs because the charging and discharging channels are separately controlled. When the battery is too low the discharge channel is disabled which means battery voltage is not exposed to the outside world. The charging channel remains active but the charger doesn't know that. “Jumping” the battery works because the jumper cables are not looking for voltage.
[The market moves so fast that this section was badly outdate. This version is more general. Please verify stats and specs before ordering. - secessus]
The most popular drop-ins at various price points appear to be:
To make an informed decision: